wp rocket - it's have one special unique feature that is it reduce unused critical css.

litespeed cache - it have all those feature that need to make website speed sky rocket

NitroPack - it is one-stop plugin that can increase speed that everyone need.

W3 Total Cachе - W3 Total Cachе is an opеn-sourcе, multi-purposе WordPrеss caching plugin with robust fеaturеs

WP Fastеst Cachе - WP Fastеst Cachе is a popular caching plugin for bеginnеrs with small WordPrеss wеbsitеs.

Autoptimize - it increase performance by minifying HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files

SiteGround - it is one of the most old optimization plugin provided by site ground company.

Hummingbird - also offers similar type of features that all plugin offers.

my suggestion is litespeed cache because it is totally free and fast as paid plugins.

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