How to Get AdSense Approval for Your WordPress Website 2023

How to Get AdSense Approval for Your WordPress Website 2023

Do you intend to use Google AdSense to monetize your WordPress website? With the help of the well-known advertising programme AdSense, webmasters can generate income by placing pertinent ads on their websites. But obtaining AdSense approval for your WordPress website can be difficult. This article will walk you through the process of getting AdSense approval so that you can make sure your website complies with all requirements and standards.

Understanding AdSense Approval

With the help of the Google AdSense programme, website owners can place pertinent ads on their pages and make money based on clicks or ad impressions. To improve your chances of approval, you must make sure that your website satisfies a number of requirements before submitting an AdSense application.

Creating Unique Content

The presence of original and worthwhile content on your website is one of the most important requirements for getting AdSense approval. Make sure your articles are well-written, and well-researched, and provide your readers with something of value. Copying material from other sources should be avoided as it may result in rejection or punishment.

Steps to Create a Unique Content

An effective digital marketing strategy is built on original content. Search engines like Google give higher priority to websites with up-to-date, unique content because it benefits users. You can establish yourself as an authority source in your sector and gain a competitive edge by creating original articles, blog posts, and other content.

Keyword Research: The Backbone of SEO

An effective content strategy is built on solid keyword research. Conduct extensive research to find keywords that are pertinent to the search terms used by your target audience. You can find high-ranking, low-competition keywords to use in your content with the help of tools like Google Keyword Planner and SEMrush.

Include Headings and Subheadings

The readability and SEO friendliness of your content are greatly improved by the use of headings and subheadings. You can help search engines understand the key points of your content by including keywords in your headings. Additionally, well-organized headings improve readers’ overall experiences by making it simpler for them to navigate through your article.

Optimizing Meta Tags and Descriptions

Meta descriptions and tags are crucial components of on-page SEO. Users of search engines can quickly summarise your content using these succinct snippets. Include pertinent keywords and create intriguing meta tags and descriptions to persuade searchers to click on the link to your website.

Plagiarism-Free Writing

A serious offence, plagiarism can damage your online reputation and even have legal repercussions. Use trustworthy plagiarism detection tools like Grammarly or Copyscape to make sure your content is 100% original and original. By assisting you in finding any unintentional overlaps between your content and already published online sources, these tools will let you make the necessary edits.

Enhancing Readability and Grammar

Readable content is essential for attracting visitors to your website and keeping them there. Follow these best practices to improve readability:


  1. Keep your sentences under 20 words in length on average, clear, and concise.
  2. To improve the flow between ideas, use transitional phrases and words like “however,” “furthermore,” or “in addition.”
  3. To write in a tone that is more dynamic and captivating, use the active voice.
  4. Organise difficult concepts into manageable paragraphs, and for clarity, use bullet points or numbered lists.


Consider using tools like Grammarly to make sure your content is grammatically error-free. These tools will assist you in identifying and fixing any grammar mistakes, ensuring that your content always has a polished and professional appearance.

Publishing a Minimum of 15 Posts

Google favours websites that have a lot of content. Ensure that your WordPress website has a minimum of 15 excellent posts to improve your chances of approval. These articles ought to provide your audience with useful information on a range of subjects pertaining to the subject matter of your website.

It’s essential to pick topics that connect with your target audience if you want to produce captivating content. To find hot topics that fit the niche of your website, conduct in-depth keyword research. You can improve your chances of ranking higher on Google by choosing topics with a high search volume and little competition.

Ensuring Domain Age of at Least 1.5 Months

Domain age plays an essential role in AdSense approval. While there is no specific requirement, it’s recommended to have a domain that is at least 1.5 months old. This timeframe allows Google to evaluate the quality and longevity of your website.

Older domains are perceived as more trustworthy by search engines and users, which can help your search engine rankings. Second, a domain with a known age enables search engines to compile information and evaluate the reliability and consistency of your website over time.

Use Non-Copyright Images

Use only images that are either copyright-free or for which you have the necessary permissions when adding them to your website. Using copyrighted images without the proper permission can result in copyright infringement issues and AdSense rejection, so refrain from doing so.

List of Websites Offering Copyright-Free Images:

You can find the ideal visuals for your creative projects on a variety of websites that offer a large selection of copyright-free images. The most well-known websites with the largest free selection of high-quality images are Unsplash, Pixabay, and Pexels.

  • Unsplash (
  • Pixabay (
  • Pexels (
  • Burst by Shopify (
  • Freepik (
  • Reshot (
  • StockSnap (
  • Gratisography (
  • SplitShire (
  • Pikwizard (

Building a Strong Social Media Presence

Having an active presence on social media platforms can positively impact your AdSense approval chances. Create profiles for your website on popular social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Engage with your audience, share your content, and build a community around your website.

Checking Navigation and Links

Before applying for AdSense, thoroughly check your website’s navigation and ensure that all links are working correctly. Broken links or a poor user experience can hinder your approval process. Pay attention to page load times and ensure smooth navigation throughout your website.

Essential Pages to Include

To increase your AdSense approval chances, your WordPress website should include the following essential pages:

a. About Us

A key factor in getting your website approved for AdSense is the About Us page. Google’s well-known AdSense programme enables website owners to monetize their content by displaying pertinent ads. Google evaluates your website’s overall credibility and quality when you apply for AdSense approval, and one of the important factors they take into account is the About Us page.

b. Contact Us

Using the Contact Us page is a crucial step in getting your website approved for AdSense. When deciding whether a website is qualified for AdSense, Google also looks at its legitimacy and credibility.

By offering users and advertisers a way to contact you, having a Contact Us page demonstrates that you are a legitimate business. It adds another layer of transparency and trust to your website, demonstrating to Google your commitment to user interaction and customer service.

Additionally, the Contact Us page enables potential partners to get in touch with you directly, further solidifying your website as a trustworthy platform for ad placements. To improve your chances of getting AdSense approval, you must include a well-designed and accessible Contact Us page.

c. Privacy Policy

For a number of reasons, the Privacy Policy page is essential to getting AdSense approval. First off, it proves that your website respects and complies with Google’s policies and guidelines regarding user privacy and data protection. Publishers using AdSense must have a privacy policy that explains how user data is gathered, used, and safeguarded.

It guarantees that Google and the users of your website will handle their personal data responsibly. Second, by outlining the use of cookies, tracking technologies, and third-party services on your website, the Privacy Policy page improves transparency.

d. Disclaimer

Having a Disclaimer page on your website is crucial when applying for AdSense approval. A disclaimer page, first and foremost, demonstrates transparency and aids in building trust with website visitors. It enables you to express your website’s objective, the type of information it contains, and any informational disclaimers in a clear and concise manner.

This can help you stay clear of any potential conflicts of interest or legal problems with your audience. Second, AdSense mandates that publishers abide by their programme policies, which frequently contain detailed instructions on transparency and disclosure. You can show that you are committed to following these guidelines by including a thorough Disclaimer page, which will improve your chances of getting AdSense approval. 

e. Terms and Conditions

The acceptance of your website for AdSense depends heavily on the Terms and Conditions. Google’s well-known advertising programme AdSense enables website owners to monetize their content by placing advertisements on it. It shows professionalism, transparency, and a dedication to user rights and privacy when you include thorough and clearly stated Terms and Conditions on your website. 

Frequently asked questions

1: Can I use content from other websites and still get AdSense approval?

Ans: No, in order to improve your website’s chances of being approved for AdSense, you must produce original content. Copying material from other sources could get you rejected or punished.

2: How long does it take to get AdSense approval?

Ans: It can take a while for AdSense to be approved. Usually, it lasts a few days to a few weeks. To hasten the approval process, make sure to adhere to Google’s policies and recommended practises.

3: Can I apply for AdSense with a new WordPress website?

Ans: If you have a brand-new WordPress website, you can apply for AdSense. However, before applying, make sure your website complies with all applicable standards and requirements.

4: Is social media presence important for AdSense approval?

Ans: Yes, having a strong social media presence can help your chances of getting approved for AdSense. It demonstrates that you have a responsive audience and can promote website traffic.

5: Do I need to have all the essential pages mentioned in the article?

Ans: You can increase your chances of getting AdSense approved by including important pages like About Us, Contact Us, Privacy Policy, Disclaimer, and Terms and Conditions. With your visitors, these pages increase credibility and guarantee openness.

Conclusion- Last Words

The approval of AdSense for your WordPress website depends on a variety of factors that must be carefully assessed. Your chances of being accepted rise if you produce original content, publish a sufficient number of posts, check navigation and links, use copyright-free images, ensure that the domain is old, build a strong social media following, and include necessary pages. Keep in mind to adhere to Google’s policies and recommendations at all times.

Also Know: How to rank a website on the first page of Google

Akkas Molla

Akkas Molla

Akkas Molla, the founder of MollaInfoTech, brings over 5 years of web development experience. Also he is a full-time blogger and YouTuber, specializing in teaching blogging and web development, inspiring others to succeed online. Know More...LinkedIn

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