how to use pinterest for blogging

If you were searching for “How to Use Pinterest for Blogging”. Then, your search ends here.

Contrary to popular belief, Pinterest is not what it seems. The platform falls somewhere between a social network and a marketplace. Pinterest plays a special role among content producers and creative workers and is much more than just a photo-sharing tool or online scrapbook.

Similar to a search engine, Pinterest allows users to share and bookmark their favourite material. Utilising the platform is a comprehensive, one-of-a-kind personal experience not found elsewhere due to the platform’s numerous capabilities. But how does blogging relate to Pinterest?

Introduction to Pinterest for Blogging

Pinterest is a visually oriented social media platform that allows users to discover, save, and organise content using pins and boards.

Setting Up Your Pinterest Business A account

Create a Pinterest Business account to get going. By doing this, useful features like analytics and the ability to run advertising are unlocked. Create a compelling bio, a recognized profile photo, and a link to your blog to maximise your profile.

Creating Eye-Catching Pins

Create visually engaging pins with top-notch photos and captivating designs. Use programs like Canva to make pins that appeal to your target market and clearly communicate the point of your blog.

Boards and Content Strategy

Create thematic boards for your pins that correspond to the topic of your blog. Create a content plan that addresses a range of blog-related themes, taking into account the varied interests of your readership.

Utilising Keywords and SEO

Incorporate relevant keywords in your pin descriptions, board names, and profile bio. This enhances the discoverability of your content through Pinterest’s search functionality and improves your overall SEO.

Collaborative Boards and Community Engagement

Join collaborative boards within your niche to expand your reach and connect with other bloggers. Engage with the Pinterest community by repinning, commenting, and collaborating on group boards.

Pinterest Analytics and Tracking

To learn which of your pins are connecting with your audience, keep an eye on your Pinterest analytics. Use to grow your account using these pieces of information.

Integrating Pinterest with Your Blog

By including Pin It buttons to your website’s photographs, you may integrate Pinterest with your blog. Because of this, it will be simpler for readers to share your content on Pinterest, which will raise awareness of it.

Time Management and Consistency

Allocate dedicated time to pin regularly and consistently. Utilize scheduling tools to maintain a consistent presence on Pinterest without overwhelming yourself.

Measuring Success and Adjusting Strategies

Track key metrics like click-through rates, repins, and website traffic originating from Pinterest. Adjust your strategies based on this data to continually improve your results.

Does Pinterest pay for bloggers?

Although bloggers aren’t directly paid by Pinterest, it can nevertheless be a useful tool for increasing traffic to their blogs. Bloggers frequently use Pinterest to market their articles and draw readers, which can ultimately result in more money from advertising, affiliate sales, and other forms of monetization.

Is Pinterest a good traffic source?

Yes, bloggers and websites may use Pinterest as a highly effective traffic generator. It is a well-liked site for finding and sharing content because of its visual style and search capabilities. You may significantly increase traffic to your website by optimising your pins, employing pertinent keywords, and producing appealing images. Remember that your niche, the calibre of your material, and your interaction tactics may all affect your level of success on Pinterest.

Which is better Google or Pinterest?

Google is frequently regarded as being superior at identifying immediate search intent. It is the preferred platform when individuals are actively looking for particular knowledge, goods, or services because it has a larger user base. It is a potent tool for companies and websites looking for steady and focused traffic because it works well for ranking evergreen content over time.

What age uses Pinterest the most?

The majority of Pinterest’s user base is made up of individuals between the ages of 18 and 49. However, users in the older end of this age range tend to prefer the platform, with a sizable portion of users lying in the 25 to 54 age range. Remember that user demographics can change over time, so for the most recent data on Pinterest’s user age distribution, I suggest examining the most recent statistics.

Is Pinterest a good social media?

Pinterest is a distinctive social media site that places an emphasis on discovering and inspiring visual content. Sharing visually appealing material is beneficial, especially for industries like fashion, home décor, and cuisine. Although it doesn’t prioritise interpersonal connections the way traditional social media does, it can be a useful tool for increasing traffic to and interaction with particular niches.

How many monthly views is good on Pinterest?

Depending on your niche, the calibre of your material, and your objectives, the amount of monthly views that are “good” on Pinterest can change. However, many people perceive getting more than 100,000 monthly views on Pinterest as a significant accomplishment. Remember that it’s not just about the views; engagement and click-through rates are also crucial metrics to take into account. In the end, concentrate on producing pertinent and aesthetically pleasing content that connects with your target audience.


Increased traffic, brand exposure, and engagement can result from incorporating Pinterest into your blogging approach.

FAQs About Using Pinterest for Blogging

Is Pinterest only suitable for visual niches like fashion and food?

No, Pinterest can be valuable for a wide range of niches. By creating visually appealing pins and utilising keywords, you can make your content stand out.

Can I use my personal Pinterest account for blogging?

It’s recommended to use a Pinterest Business account to access advanced features and analytics tailored for bloggers.

How often should I pin to my boards?

Aim for consistency without overwhelming your audience. Pinning a few times a day or week is a good starting point.

Are group boards still relevant on Pinterest?

Yes, group boards foster community engagement and expose your content to a broader audience.

What types of content perform best on Pinterest?

How-to guides, tutorials, infographics, and visually appealing blog posts tend to perform well on Pinterest.

Also Read : [How To Monetize Blogger Without AdSense In 2023]

Akkas Molla

Akkas Molla

Akkas Molla, the founder of MollaInfoTech, brings over 5 years of web development experience. Also he is a full-time blogger and YouTuber, specializing in teaching blogging and web development, inspiring others to succeed online. Know More...LinkedIn

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